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A Week of Innovation and Collaboration with Celo Europe DAO

Celo Europe DAO hosted a week of activities in Paris, a testament to the vibrant and dynamic nature of the ReFi community

A Week of Innovation and Collaboration with Celo Europe DAO

Celo Europe DAO is at the forefront of Regenerative Finance in Europe. Consisting of Talent Protocol, EthicHub, ImpactMarket, and Kolektivo, this collective is committed to shaping regenerative finance and fostering collaboration across Europe. Together, we form a dynamic and cohesive force, working tirelessly to create a more inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystem.

Recently, Celo Europe DAO hosted a week of activities in Paris, a testament to the vibrant and dynamic nature of the ReFi community. ImpactMarket kicked off the week with a workshop on Universal Basic Income at Funding the Commons, sparking interest and debate.

The following day was Celo Co:Opperate where Felipe Mercado followed with updates on Talent Protocol and new features for Season 4 of Talent Protocol. Gabriela Chang's talk about EthicHub shed light on their ethical lending platform, where users can earn 8% a year while supporting small farmers.

Lastly Luuk Weber from Kolektivo was a part of a panel about New Models of Money. 

The rest of the CELO Europe DAO was busy interviewing various founders, for our future ecosystem report. You can check out our teaser video:

The week in Paris was filled with collaboration and innovation, reflecting the core values of CELO DAO EU. The combined efforts of ImpactMarket, Talent Protocol, EthicHub, and Kolektivo are not just shaping the future of finance but building a more inclusive, sustainable world.  From interviewing dozens of founders to hosting intimate events, it was a week to remember.

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